Consequences of unckecked and illegitimate encroachment on these precious lake openings. BELOW - WHAT WE NEED!

Thursday, 22 October 2015


Emailed response from Councillor Grimes' office in response to residents' recent request for repairs to the guard rail, a garbage receptacle plus regular pickup and a park bench at the Fourth Street Lake Window.

From: Councillor Grimes <>
Date: October 14, 2015 4:09:52 PM EDT

Subject: RE: Garbage/Recyling Bin, Guardrail, and Park bench follow up issue #2149, 2045

Good Afternoon:

Sorry for my delay in getting back to you. I was awaiting a response from City staff to determine the ownership of the greenspace at the bottom of Fourth Street.

I have had a response back from a Title and Status Surveyor with Land & Property Surveys with the Engineering and Construction Services, in regards to the properties at 51 Lake Shore Drive and 53 Lake Shore Drive. I have been advised the following information:

51 Lake Shore Drive is on the east side of Fourth St and there have been other questions about the southerly limit of this land.
To reiterate, there is no City owned land along the south side of 51 Lake Shore Drive or along the waterfront on either side of the extension of Fourth St.  It is all Provincial and private property.

The extension of Fourth Street to the water is the current area in question.

This is all part of Fourth Street and is under Transportation Services' jurisdiction.
According to City mapping it appears that 53 Lake Shore Drive has been maintaining the portion of Fourth Street south of the guard rail since amalgamation and maybe before that. 

According to Google Street view (attached) it looks like the natural extension of the yard is at 53 Lake Shore Drive.

I have been told that the property owner of 53 Lake Shore Drive is to reasonable assume the greenspace adjacent to her property should be considered to be a part of her boulevard and is her responsibility to maintain the greenspace of the untraveled portion of Fourth Street south of the guardrail, (under Municipal Code, Use of Streets and Sidewalks 743-36, and 743-37) although I am waiting to get proper clarification of this conclusion. I have attached to this email the information on these Municipal Codes for you to read if you wish.

If this greenspace is indeed considered to be a part of 53 Lake Shore Drives boulevard, then it cannot be considered to be a public parkette so a garbage/recycling bin, and bench cannot be placed at this location. I'm sorry I could not help you further with this matter.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Best Regards,
Michelle Telfeyan

Constituency  Assistant
To Councillor Mark Grimes
Ward 6, Etobicoke Lakeshore

Phone: (416) 397-9272

Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West, Suite C48
Toronto, ON  M5H2N2
Tel: (416) 397-9273   Fax:  (416) 397-9279

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