Consequences of unckecked and illegitimate encroachment on these precious lake openings. BELOW - WHAT WE NEED!

Monday, 17 September 2012


On September 11th, 2012, Etobicoke York Community Council adopted and delegated the following motion ......

1.     Request the Director, Parks Development, Etobicoke York District, in conjunction with the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District, to review and consult with the local community to identify sites which are unimproved road allowances in Ward 6 that abut Lake Ontario and offer a view or access to the lake or lake shore.  The review to consider if any existing encroachments are detrimental to community access to the lake, if these road allowances can be transferred to Parks, Forestry and Recreation Services for public park purposes.  Staff to report back to the Etobicoke York Community Council on the findings and recommendations of the review.

2.     Direct that no further encroachments be considered on unimproved road allowances abutting Lake Ontario in Ward 6, until this review is complete.

3.     Direct that the review be undertaken with consideration to existing Official Plan Policies, Heritage Landscape Polices, Vista and View corridors.

     The origin of the motion was a letter from Councillor Grimes dated June 18, 2012. 

Here is a summary of that letter ......

In Ward 6, which has the longest piece of the City waterfront in one ward, there has been an ongoing concern for decades to ensure that public access to the waterfront is ensured and enhanced wherever possible. In the 1990's The City of Etobicoke adopted the Windows to the Lake polices to preserve and enhance waterfront views and access. These windows were primarily unimproved road allowance on residential streets that end at the lake.  Many of them also have storm water sewer outfalls as well.

Over the last 20 years, as these pieces of land are primarily road ends, rather than officially designated parks, they have become encumbered with encroachments, which are now a growing issue amongst  local  residents who are concerned that the public view of the waterfront is being adversely affected. These encroachments include the placement of Canada post boxes, various utilities, and other structures.

The Waterfront trail, greatly used by cyclists and pedestrians alike, passes by many of these road ends. In some instances, they are the only park like setting on a residential street.

The road ends are now under the jurisdiction of Transportation Services and as such fall under the new streets by-law, but in some instances the Parks department maintains them.


Last Monday (September 10th, 2012), City staff held their open house/public consultation on the proposed revisions to the Heritage policies in the City's Official Plan.  The report still lists views of natural heritage features to be preserved, including views of Lake Ontario from 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th streets, Miles Road, Lake Crescent, Royal York, Norris Crescent and Sand Beach RoadThe report can be viewed at this link.
There was opportunity for the public to comment by putting post-its on the boards.  All displayed comments regarding protection of these views were extremely favourable as were the results of conversations with three Heritage senior staff (apparently the word "vista" has been dropped  because of multiple meanings).
All being well, the report, including Peter Milczyn's motion, goes back for consideration to Planning and Growth Management in October where it will be recommended and passed on to City Council in the same month for adoption.
After that, the preservation of views of cultural heritage landscapes will become "officially" part of the City's Official Plan.
Here are photos of some of the boards that were shown to the public.  

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Heritage Open House – Proposed Official Plan Policies, Official Plan Review

Please come to learn about and comment on the proposed new heritage policies for Toronto’s Official Plan. You can read more about them at this link: 
Monday September 10, 2012
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Room 308-309
Metro Hall, 55 John Street (southeast corner of John and King Streets)

for further info.